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Success Stories

Meet our valued

From Holstein trouble to Jersey profit

VikingJersey: Lower investment, higher returns

Genetics and science boost production

Collaboration drives embryo success

Herd of the Year Sweden 2024 – Arbelunda Sörgård

Herd of the Year Finland 2024 – Maitotiimi Ay

Refined beef calves with Danish Blue

Breeding resilient, dream-like cows

Balance, innovation, and dairy passion

The gift of trouble-free cows

Herd of the Year Sweden 2023 - Ängesbäckens Lantbruk

Herd of the Year Finland 2023 - Ahlvik Gård

Healthy crossbreds, resilient bottom line

Top milk solids from top crossbred cows

The rewards of genomic testing

High NTM: the key to all-round success

From incidental to award-winning Jersey

Taking the first steps

Betting on red cows

The rewards of crossbreeding

Nordic quality is crucial for Kenyan dairy breeder

Changing course for health and sustainability

Switching to the breed of the future

Making life easier with VikingGoldenCross

Herd of the Year Finland 2022 – Iskola Farm

The solution to your bobby calf troubles

An easygoing life with VikingJersey

Reaping the benefits of VikingJersey

Improved production and health with VikingHolstein

Efficient cows with VikingGoldenCross

Boost to crossbreeding

Herd of the Year Finland 2022 – Iskola Farm

A dream of Jersey cows

Persistency joins consistency

VH Saade – A safe Holstein bull for heifers

VikingJersey solves a health problem

Breeding the invisible cow

VikingJersey crossbreds for fertility

Easy to manage VikingJersey herd in New Zealand

High production and suitable udders

Results with VikingHolstein

Farming organically with VikingRed is proving a huge success

VikingJersey secured a productive herd in New Zealand

Top production herd lifts profits with VikingRed

Herd of the Year Finland - Kotirinne Farm

NTM – shaping a strong herd at Bockerud Norstugan in Sweden

VikingGoldenCross transforms farm profits

A free lunch… scientifically speaking

When you are genuinely interested, it doesn´t feel like work

Peter is the 10th generation at Nørupgaard

Good times never seemed so good

“Same good reproduction results with X-Vik™ sexed semen”

Upgrading the herd with progressive genetics from VikingJersey

A fresh look at frozen semen

Longevity breeds long-term success

“We achieve an 88% gender purity rate.”

VH Brook is a success in Tweefontein Holstein herd

Following the golden pathway to success

“Same good reproduction results with X-Vik sexed semen”

Genetics and animal welfare in focus

“We improve our herd with X-Vik sexed semen”

“We achieved 70% in-calf rate”

“Sexed semen is a corner stone in our breeding strategy”

“We have had very good results with the conception rate of X-Vik”

“We are able to keep our empty rate at 10%”

“Our conception rates have been excellent with X-Vik semen”

Everything works well with VikingRed

'Not in Calf' (NIC) rates are significantly better.

Karen and Jonathan Martin at Longford Farm in Market Drayton, in the UK used crossbreeding to turn around their Shropshire farm after TB devastated their herd. They made the right decision, and ProCROSS transformed their dairy business.

VikingRed as third breed for profitable business

“Over 10% fat plus protein is the gold standard any producer would be delighted to reach”.

The right cow for the system is lifting farm profits

Super Mario from Denmark

Bringing colour to the pastures of Northern Ireland

“They handle the weather extremes better than any other breed I have milked"

“We have now ended up with a cow that is looking after us like I wanted it to”

“We are happy with the results. It's working well and proving successful for us"

"Our planet is facing a climate challenge. Dairy farming has the opportunity to help solve this challenge"

“I see a great value in including the saved feed index into the breeding goal"

"This scenario equates to a very profitable cow: lower input, higher output"

“We were facing problems that were jeopardising the efficiency of the whole operation”

The owners of TriCross Dairy in California, USA, Tom Koolhaas and Wes Bylsma have 5,000 dairy cows

Gert Glob Lassen and his wife Anne are passionate organic milk producers using ProCROSS cows

“We feel the VikingGenetics breeding programme has just the right balance"

Sustainability is running a profitable business while safeguarding the environment

"VikingGenetics cows simply do a better job"

Sexed semen driving a successful breeding strategy at Havdal Jersey Farm

Knutby Prästgård was named 2020 Herd of the Year in Sweden

The Reynolds' switch to VikingRed has set their profits, their cheese and their lifestyle on to an upward path

“We’d get what we asked for, so we’ve come to the point where we’re using VikingGenetics exclusively”

We’re getting a lot more milk