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Corporate dairy farming calls for data-driven genetics

Boost the health and efficiency of your corporate dairy business. Select the best bulls for a higher return on investment and long-term sustainability. Explore the best breeding solutions for innovative corporate farming.

Cattle breeding that supports your CSR strategy

Managing a corporate farm is about juggling different interests and expectations. Not just from your owners, investors and management but also from your staff, contractors and dairy cows. 

These players all want different things when it comes to work conditions, resource allocation, animal welfare, ethics and business approach. How do you keep everyone happy? How do you keep your operating costs low and generate the highest return on investment?

Corporate farming calls for an innovative approach to cattle breeding. One that's based on accurate calculations and measurable results. One that's in sync with your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy and business goals.

So how do you find a partner to help you achieve just that?

Science-based, data-driven genetics for corporate farming

At VikingGenetics, we help corporate farm managers breed healthy, efficient, profitable cows.

Our breeding programmes are based on the most extensive scientific research and data collection in the world — carried out by farmers, veterinarians, AI technicians and other experts since the 1980s.

We focus on health, animal welfare, performance and sustainability in everything we do. As a result of this, our breeds VikingRed, VikingHolstein, and VikingJersey have the lowest use of antibiotics combined with the highest lifetime production.

Because our breeds are naturally healthy, you reduce your treatment costs and zero production days. You get time to optimise your farm, create better work conditions for your staff and report impressive results to your stakeholders.

Bulls from VikingGenetics give you high index scores in:

  • Milking speed and production
  • General health, hoof health and udder health
  • Fertility (including easy calvings)
  • Feed efficiency
  • Longevity

What breeding solutions will optimise your corporate farm?

What type of dairy cows are you looking to breed?

In the Nordic Total Merit (NTM) index, we track over 90 traits of economic importance. Our bulls are also evaluated in parallel systems all over the world.

Select the bulls with a high score to match your breeding goals. Get a higher milk production and long-lasting cows by choosing the right genetics. Look out for our polled bulls for better animal welfare.

Would you like higher breeding progress by focusing on the best cows in your herds?

Check out genomic testing, sexed semen and Beef on Dairy. These tools will help make your business even more efficient and profitable.

Are your cows struggling with low milk production or poor fertility?

An increasing number of corporate farms are switching to crossbreeding. Explore our ProCROSS and VikingGoldenCross solutions. Calculate the difference a switch could make in your dairy business.

Animal welfare, feed costs and methane emission

How much of your variable costs is related to feed? Studies show that it can be up to 88%.

With our Saved Feed index, you can select bulls with a high feed efficiency score and progressively reduce your feed costs. You also get a lower methane emission complimenting your CSR strategy.

Healthy cows live longer and require less treatment. When you invest in data-driven, science-based genetics, you automatically support animal welfare and a better climate — not to mention your over-all bottom line.

You get a healthier, more efficient dairy herd, higher staff retention and a bigger return on investment for all players involved.

Are you ready to start innovative breeding today?

Contact our breeding advisors