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What's going on in
cattle breeding

February Proofs

Meet Feed Efficiency 3.0

Slash feed costs with genetics

Breeding meets technology

How to navigate regulations

People with Passion

“We have the best red cows in the world.”

Feed efficiency - the key to success

People with Passion

People with Passion – Adele Walker

Investing in feed efficiency pays off

Boosting fertility & profits

Boost mastitis resistance

10 steps from more to better

People with Passion

“Seeing how my work benefits farmers is what drives me.”

7 tips for more sustainable farming

Calf development

Sexed semen benefits

5 things to ask about feed efficiency

Reduce the carbon footprint of your herd

Futureproof your Holstein herd

DAFC climate challenge

Healthy organic dairy herd

Breed for better udder health

Better hoof health

High production and fertility

Global shift in Indexes

Avoid excessive use of antibiotics

New CEO of VikingGenetics

Real-time feed intake data

Improve lifetime production

Managing the global hoofprint

Jersey - breed for the future?

Genomic testing is much more than just breeding values

Crossbreeding improves fertility

Achieve high production of milk and solids

Using beef on dairy

Strengthened the breeding collaboration, but ending the intent to merge process

Sustainable Development Goals - Climate Action

Real Dairy-Beef data makes selection easy

“I can always learn something when I visit farms”

Lactation persistency - a useful management tool

The way we feed our heifers matters

New Holstein bull available - VH Baford

Farmers are demanding a smaller cow

Beef On Dairy - Ready to serve the market

Reduce the risk of ketosis with genetics

Nordic Holstein population with lower inbreeding

Crossbreeding can reduce methane gas emissions by around 6%

Flat lactation curves are believed to be associated with fewer health and reproduction problems. Here you can read more about this trend among dairy farmers from a scientific point of view.

VikingHolstein in crossbreeding

Shallow udders and increases in production go “hand in hand”

VikingGenetics joins the Global Climate Task Force

X-Vik farm results in focus

New top sires in Australia

Feed efficiency takes a major step forward

X-Vik sexed semen accelerates genetic progress and strengthens bottom-line

Three large cattle breeding cooperatives in Europe intent to merge

“I am aware of the farmers’ struggles”

Innovative technology at your service

Breed for better udder health and stay profitable

New Zealand landscapes are changing colour with a dash of VikingRed

Reduced biological fitness can lead to a loss in profitability

New Release - VH Heat PP

VikingRed leading the green path with a new strategy

Do genomic breeding values work in practice?

VikingGenetics´ feed efficiency tech commended in prestigious award

What is the difference between polled and scurred?

Beef semen with Jerseys

Sexed semen setting trends in cattle breeding

Focusing on polled genetics led to success

Polled bulls are on the rise

VikingRed is the leading Red breed

Meet Søren Borchersen, Chief R&D Officer of VikingGenetics

Leading AI companies in Europe join forces

Using sexed semen is an excellent way to optimise your herd’s performance

The Saved feed index in the Nordic Total Merit Index now includes the breeding value for metabolic efficiency.

The Saved feed index is now part of the Nordic Total Merit Index

Interbull confirms high genetic level for VikingGenetics' bulls

VikingRed is the dominant red breed in the world

Saved Feed adds more value to NTM

Benefit from the naturally healthy VikingRed cows

“The effects of using a sexed semen strategy together with genomic testing obviously increases the genetic level in the herd”

By Peter Larson, Senior Breeding and Product Manager, VikingGenetics

VikingJersey – international master of udder health

Improve production and daughter fertility with VikingRed

VikingHolstein shows daughter proven bull power

By Lars Peter Sørensen and Hans Stålhammer, VikingGenetics

Good management practices can help avoid unhealthy cows.

By Veronica Löfgren

Breeding values for fertility can now be calculated in a different way and with more accurate information.

Breeding has always fascinated me

Interbull numbers prove the superiority of VikingHolstein

People and Passion

“I always wanted to work keeping the animals healthy”

International daughter fertility trendsetter

We need to support farmers to cope with what the industry and final consumer are demanding from them.

Poor fertility is one of the most common reasons for culling in dairy herds

Peter Larson followed his calling for the Jersey cows

Strategic alliances to strengthen VikingJersey

By Lars Peter Sørensen, Genetic Development Manager, VikingGenetics

Breeding for improved fertility for over 40 years

My vision is to make VikingRed even "greener"

By Claus Langdahl, Senior Holstein Breeding Manager

Bull dams in the spotlight

By Kasia Kupisiewicz, Project Manager R&D

No relevant correlation between progressive motility and field fertility

By Claus Langdahl, VikingHolstein Breeding Manager

We move fast, but are we moving too fast?

VikingGenetics' values and aims

Arla accelerating the green transition

VikingGenetics and the Jersey Cattle Society UK sign a strategical agreement

By Claus Langdahl, Senior Breeding and Product Manager, VikingGenetics

VikingHolstein - master of udder health

By Jan Lassen, project manager R&D

Reduce carbon footprint by genetic selection

Three reasons why VikingGenetics breeding programme is innovative

Handle antimicrobials with care

Handle antimicrobials with care. We all have a role to play.

VikingJersey shine at annual herd competitions in South Africa

VikingGenetics - Innovative breeding

Saved Feed index released in the Nordics

Genetic diversity is something a successful dairy cattle breeder really should consider when planning the next generation of dairy cows.

By Ruth Bønløkke Davis and Anders Fogh, SEGES

Polled bulls are gaining popularity

Saved Feed index to be released in autumn 2019

Meet Erik Thompson, Sales Manager for VikingGenetics Australia

“I was doing something a little different to what the “main pack” was doing,” he recalls.

Sustainable genetics for the future

Total merit indexes – NTM vs. JPI

NTM is about money

Viking sends semen, embryos, and Jersey heifers to Uganda

By Lars Nielsen, Head of Breeding VikingGenetics

Identifying genetic disorders with genomic testing

“We always try to choose as narrow a spectrum of antibiotics as possible and penicillin is still effective”