The December proofs show that VikingRed is the leading Red breed in the world by being in the top of the bull lists many countries.
In the United Kingdom VikingRed is dominant on their Total Merit Index £PLI list with all top ten of the Ayrshire bulls being VikingRed. Nine out of the top ten of all Red breed bulls are VikingGenetics’ sires.
VR Feton is number one for the Ayrshire bulls with £PLI 506 while VR Thiago is number one for all Red breed bulls with £PLI 638. For the Spring calving index (£SCI) and Autumn calving index (£ACI) VikingRed has seven and eight of the bulls out of top 10.
In Germany eight out of top ten is VikingRed bulls and VR Thiago is in the top with impressive RZG 159 while number two is VR Faabeli with RZG 147.