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Holstein cows just
got more efficient

Healthy, efficient and enjoyable. That’s VikingHolstein. A long-term solution that gives you resilient, high-producing cows for generations to come. Breed the cows of the future.

Healthy, efficient cows

What is a healthy cow worth to you? What if you didn't need to worry about reproduction, milk quality, bills and wasted time? What if your herd was simply thriving and yielding the biggest return?

VikingHolstein are resilient, medium-sized cows that are feed-efficient and produce high levels of milk and solids.

They are the kind of easy-going cow you love being around — and doesn't require too much of your attention.

VikingHolstein cows are...

  • Healthy
    Excellent health and reproduction
  • High producing
    High lifetime production of milk and solids
  • Resilient
    Great genetic diversity - long-lasting
  • Efficient
    Medium-sized cows, easy to manage
VikingHolstein brochure
Holstein dairy cow

Breed the cows of the future

Balanced breeding is the key to breeding success, and you can achieve this with VikingHolstein - as proven by the International Bull Evaluation Service Interbull.

Take a look at the comparison of the genetic level of daughter-proven Holstein bulls from different countries. 

VikingHolstein sires have a high genetic level for udder health, fertility, and production traits – all key traits for supporting a sustainable and profitable dairy business

VikingHolstein are resilient, medium-sized cows that are feed-efficient and produce high levels of milk and solids.

The breed population average for each trait is 100, and one standard deviation equals 10 units.

Find the best bulls for your herd


No. cows

535,000 (DNK, SWE, FIN)

Fat kg


Fat %


Protein kg


Protein %


Fat + Protein kg


Milk litres (305 days)


NAV January 2025


Farmer success stories

VikingHolstein - Healthy, efficient cows

VikingHolsteins are resilient, medium-sized cows that are feed-efficient....

....and produce high levels of milk and solids.

Breed for health and performance

In the Nordic countries, we have recorded the health and performance of VikingHolsteins for decades. Farmers, veterinarians, hoof trimmers, and other industry experts have been committed to registering the performance of each cow.

This effort has improved the following traits for VikingHolstein:

  • Fertility
  • Udder health
  • Milk solids production
  • Feed efficiency

Today, over 740,000 cows are recorded annually in our Nordic data system, the most complete total merit index in the world. This index gives you 90 traits of economic importance to succeed in your dairy business.

Read more about NTM
Holstein cows on pasture

Highest lifetime production per Holstein cow

At VikingGenetics, we turn big data into your accurate and reliable breeding programme.

With data and science-driven genetics, you get the lowest use of antibiotics and hormones and the highest lifetime production per cow.

We focus on animal welfare, food security, and reducing climate impact in our entire production chain.

Our partnerships with universities, research organisations, and experts across the globe give you the tools and technology you need to select the best bulls.

By choosing VikingHolstein, you continuously improve the genetic gain for each generation of your herd.

The results we track in herds around the world are rooted in the long-term relationshipswith our farmers. We also have a close link between research and implementation.

Imagine what VikingHolstein could do for your herd...your business...your life.

Do you want to know more?

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