It’s time to make the future your friend
How can you build a herd that performs optimally in terms of production and use of resources? A herd that will secure your income and become a solid foundation for your dairy business?
An efficient and profitable herd means a more balanced lifestyle with more time for other things. Better economic prospects will make your daily efforts worthwhile. Move towards the future with confidence.
Breeding solutions for sustainable dairy farming
Benefit from trouble-free and easy-going cows with a high lifetime production of milk and solids. Select the high genetic merit sires for your dairy herd.
You get cows that live long and last long, making your dairy business profitable, sustainable and enjoyable.
VikingHolstein: Resilient, medium-sized cows that are feed-efficient and produce high levels of milk and solids
VikingJersey: Purebred, medium-sized cows that produce milk containing the highest levels of fat and protein percentages
VikingRed: Naturally healthy cows with the highest production of milk and solids for red cows
VikingGoldenCross: The profitable crossbreeding solution for pasture-based production